Thursday, 3 June 2010


Turns out life in Nairobi is not completely bereft of interesting events. Today, Stephen and I were out buying building materials with all the abandon that comes from spending someone elses money. On our way back to SIM HQ in the car we were stuck in traffic when Stephen said:

"The police have been spraying tear gas...I can smell it"

I couldn't smell anything other than car fumes and gave him a dubious look, suspecting he was talking nonsense. However, not five minutes later my throat was stinging and tears were streaming down my face (and no, i wasn't just having an emotional moment). I turned to look at Stephen and he was the same, if not worse than me. It was a deeply unpleasant and painful experience which I have no desire to repeat. So that rules out rioting anarchist as a future career move...

There have been more changes in the ever unpredictable world of SIM Sudan, and I am now potentially leaving Nairobi on Monday to make my (roundabout) way to Malakal to purchase more supplies (Timber, in case you're interested). Should be an adventure...certainly beats kicking about an appartment in Nairobi playing games on Sporcle...or does it?

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