Then, once we got there he invited us back to his shop for breakfast (which they eat at half 10/11am here, and my Arabic is getting so good that even I understood what he said - either that or I just commited a big cultural faux pas) where we were treated to a meal of beans, omelette, some tasty yogurty thing and bread. People here are unbelievably generous and hospitable, given that they don't have a lot. This has happened to me several times. And I don't think it's just because I'm white. Here's a snapshot of the market, so you can picture it:
Another interesting thing about being here, it certainly gives you a different perspective when you read the Bible. Jesus' parables about farming seem more relevant, as do the accounts in acts of the gospel being spread, and many many other things. It's good stuff.
In other news, I will shortly be heading to my final destination to start work on the building project, I'm hoping to make that journey (~150 miles on gravel roads) by road to see a bit of the country, but don't worry I wont attempt it on a motorbike, don't think my skills are sufficiently honed yet, and the dust would be something else.
Also, I feel you should be kept informed of any misfortunes that befall me. Yesterday, my Ipod stopped working. completely. To make matters worse I think it may be because I was messing around with it, so I now feel like an idiot. Happy days.